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Moving From an Employer-Sponsored Plan to an IRA

If you are leaving a job for other reasons and retirement is still some time away, the financial issue if retiring may seem too distant to matter. However, they matter all too soon, and the decisions you make today will affect your retirement lifestyle- for better or for worse.

Many people in or near retirement are realizing that they may have underestimated their financial needs. As a result, they are concerned about having enough money to maintain their pre-retirement standards of living.

Here is why:
• Resources need to provide for extended retirements, as people are living longer.
• Social Security benefits are shrinking
• Taxes may further reduce retirement assets.
• Inflation erodes long-term purchasing power
• Unexpected expenses may deplete resources faster then anticipated.

Your financial future starts with careful planning.
It would be a good idea to talk to your financial professional who will help you:
• Determine how much retirement income you will need
• Identify your "income for life" sources
• Estimate how long your retirement income may last
• Calculate how much additional income you may need
• Evaluate your additional income sources

Working together with your financial professional, you can consider all aspects of important issues such as:
• The impact of taxes on withdrawals
• Which accounts should be accessed first
• How various decisions may impact your estate plan
• The effects of inflation on your retirement assets
• Handling expenses-anticipated and unexpected
• The best use of other sources of income, such as Social Security

The sooner you start planning, the more time you will have on your side. And more time-used wisely-may mean more money for your retirement years.

We have an extensive knowledge of the ever-changing insurance industry. One of the benefits of utilizing the services of The Life Insurance Group is that we offer many types of life insurance coverages and guaranteed-renewable insurance from a broad range of companies. By gaining a complete understanding of your specific insurance needs, we can best develop solutions to meet your individual situation. Because we offers a multitude of life insurance products, you benefit from knowing that we are working for you directly.

As a result of this, we are committed to excellence in our work on behalf of you, and we define success from your terms, not ours. Our sense of customer satisfaction, and solution-driven actions work to help you retain more of what you have worked so hard to earn.


Early Withdrawal of IRA| 401K |Retirement Plans