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Legally Combine Your IRA With Your Spouse's IRA For More RE Investment Opportunities!

What if you could legally combine your IRA with your Spouse's IRA and have 100% check book control wouldn't that open up more real estate opportunities for you?

Today's economy may be all doom and gloom on the evening news but for real estate investors it's a golden opportunity!

Especially when it comes to building massive wealth inside of your retirement plan.

Right now I have seen bank owned properties in the Midwest as low as $30,000.

* If you had the combined power of all of your retirement monies you could pick up one or two of these, sell them via an installment note, season the note with twelve months of payments and sell the note.

The banks are running scared and it's pulling teeth to get a loan.

* So what, it's just another opportunity for the astute investor with a real estate friendly retirement plan. You could provide private money loans fully secured by free and clear real estate which will earn you a juicy 12-15% on your money.

Regardless of what type of opportunities appeal to you the key to success is saying goodbye to your IRA's.

Why? - Because of the restrictive and suffocating laws governing IRAs.

For example here are just 3 of the, you can't do this;

1. You can't legally combine your IRA with your spouse's IRA.
2. You can't borrow money from your IRA or loan it money from yourself.
3. You can't invest your personal cash into the same property as your IRA.

Don't despair, there is good news!

A couple of years ago Congress approved the final version of the self administrated (SA) Defined Contribution (DC) plan. This is an awesome, real estate friendly retirement plan that will give you 100% check book control, allow you to pool you and your spouse's retirement funds together and even invest your personal cash into the same property as your plan.

As a real estate investor if you are serious about applying your experience and skills to building massive wealth in your retirement plan, you need to work with a professional who can structure not only a real estate friendly self administrated Defined Contribution but a plan that has the right features for your situation.



Early Withdrawal of IRA| 401K |Retirement Plans

Early Withdrawal of IRA| 401K |Retirement Plans